Coverage Improving with Energy Efficient in Wireless Sensor Networks
Subject Areas : Wireless Network
Amir Pakmehr
Ali Ghaffari
1 - Tabriz branch, Islamic azad university
2 - Tabriz branch, Islamic azad university
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks , Clustering , Network Coverage , Covering Holes , Energy Efficient,
Abstract :
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are formed by numerous sensors nodes that are able to sense different environmental phenomena and to transfer the collected data to the sink. The coverage of a network is one of the main discussion and one of the parameters of service quality in WSNs. In most of the applications, the sensor nodes are scattered in the environment randomly that causes the density of the nodes to be high in some regions and low in some other regions. In this case, some regions are not covered with any nodes of the network that are called covering holes. Moreover, creating some regions with high density causes extra overlapping and consequently the consumption of energy increases in the network and life of the network decreases. The proposed approach causes an increase in life of the network and an increase in it through careful selection of the most appropriate approach as cluster head node and form clusters with a maximum length of two steps and selecting some nodes as redundancy nodes in order to cover the created holes in the network. The proposed scheme is simulated using MATLAB software. The function of the suggested approach will be compared with Learning Automata based Energy Efficient Coverage protocol (LAEEC) approach either. Simulation results shows that the function of the suggested approach is better than LAEEC considering the parameters such as average of the active nodes, average remaining energy in nodes, percent of network coverage and number of control packets.
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